

csv-show - print on the standard output a CSV file from standard input in human-readable format


csv-show [OPTION]…


Print CSV file from standard input in human-readable format, using tables, without types.

There are 3 backends: ncurses(3)-based, less(1)-based, and no-backend. By default backend is guessed based on whether standard output is a terminal.

ncurses backend:

less backend supports everything the command less(1) supports.

none backend simply prints everything to standard output.

-p, --spacing NUM
use NUM spaces between columns instead of 3
-u, --ui curses/less/none
use UI based on ncurses(3), less(1), or nothing(tm)
short for --ui none
short for --ui curses
remove column headers
--set-color COLNAME:[fg=]COLOR1[,bg=COLOR2]

set COLOR1 as foreground and COLOR2 as background of column COLNAME

colors can be specified in 3 ways:

-C, --use-color-columns
use columns with _color suffix to render each cell
-i, --interactive
line-selection mode (ncurses backend only)
--on-key key,text,action[,return]
in interactive mode, show text as key’s description, on key pipe current row to action (either a command or special text ‘stdout’) and quit unless return suboption was used, key can be one of: enter, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9, f10, f11, f12
print types in column headers
display this help and exit
output version information and exit


csv-show < file1.csv
print file1.csv in human-readable format
csv-show --ui none < file1.csv
print file1.csv in human-readable format without any pager


ncurses(3), less(1), csv-nix-tools(7)