

csv-tree - process hierarchical CSV data


csv-tree [OPTION]…


Read CSV stream from standard input, build hierarchical structure and print back data with hierarchical information.

-f, --filter=KEY
print only the matching row and its descendants
-i, --indent=NAME[,NEW-NAME]
indent data from column NAME and put it in a new column NEW-NAME, if NEW-NAME is omitted column NAME is replaced
-k, --key=NAME
use column NAME as a unique key identifying each row
-L, --level
add ‘level’ column
-p, --parent=NAME
use column NAME as a pointer to parent row
-m, --sum=NAME[,NEW-NAME]
sum data from column NAME and put it in a new column NEW-NAME, if NEW-NAME is omitted column NAME is replaced
-s, --show
print output in table format
-S, --show-full
print output in table format with pager
display this help and exit
output version information and exit


csv-ls -llR /usr/local | csv-tree -k full_path -p parent -i name -m size | csv-cut -c size,name -S
recursively print files and directories from /usr/local in tree structure
csv-ps | csv-tree -k pid -p ppid -i command -m vm_rss_KiB | csv-cut -c vm_rss_KiB,command -S
print process tree with combined memory usage


csv-lstree(1), csv-pstree(1), csv-nix-tools(7)