

csv-add-rpn - add a new column from RPN expression


csv-add-rpn [OPTION]…


Read CSV stream from standard input and print it back to standard output with a new column produced by evaluation of RPN (reverse Polish notation) expression.

use expression RPN-EXPR to create new column; RPN expressions use space as a separator, so this needs to be quoted
create column NEW-NAME as an output
-s, --show
print output in table format
-S, --show-full
print output in table format with pager
-T, --table=NAME
apply to rows only with _table column equal NAME
display this help and exit
output version information and exit



syntax description example
%.* value of column %name


syntax description example
[-][1-9][0-9]* decimal integer 1, 1294, -89
[-][0-9]+.[0-9]* floating point number 1.0, 12.94, -0.89
[-]0x[0-9a-fA-F]+ hexadecimal integer 0x1, 0x1A34, -0x8A
[-]0[0-9]+ octal integer 01, 01234, -067
[-]0b[01]+ binary integer 0b1, 0b1101, -0b10
'[^']*' string 'text'
"[^"]*" string "text"


name description example
+ addition %num 5 +
- subtraction %num 5 -
* multiplication %num 5 *
/ division %num 5 /
% modulo %num 5 %
| bitwise or %num 5 |
& bitwise and %num 5 &
~ bitwise negation %num ~
^ bitwise xor %num 5 ^
<< bitwise left shift %num 5 <<
>> bitwise right shift %num 5 >>
lt, < less %num 5 lt, %num 5 <
le, <= less or equal %num 5 le, %num 5 <=
gt, > greater %num 5 gt, %num 5 >
ge, >= greater or equal %num 5 ge, %num 5 >=
eq, == equal %num 5 eq, %num 5 ==
ne, != not equal %num 5 ne, %num 5 !=
and logical and %bool1 %bool2 and
or logical or %bool1 %bool2 or
xor logical exclusive or %bool1 %bool2 xor
not logical negation %bool1 not


name description example
if if then else %bool %val1 %val2 if
substr substring %str 1 3 substr
strlen,length string length %str strlen, %str length
concat concatenation %str1 %str2 concat
like match pattern %str 'patt%' like
tostring convert to string %num %base tostring
toint convert to integer %str %base toint
replace replace string %str 'pat' 'repl' 1 replace
replace_bre replace string using basic RE %str 'pat' 'bre' 1 replace_bre
replace_ere replace string using ext. RE %str 'pat' 'ere' 1 replace_ere
matches_bre string matches basic RE %str 'pat' 1 matches_bre
matches_ere string matches extended RE %str 'pat' 1 matches_ere
next next integer from sequence 'sequence name' next


csv-ls -c name,size,blocks | csv-add-rpn -n space_used -e "%blocks 512 *" -s
list files and real space they use


csv-grep-rpn(1), csv-show(1), csv-nix-tools(7)