csv-merge - merge multiple CSV streams
csv-merge [OPTION]…
Read multiple CSV streams (from standard input or files) and print back to standard output a merged CSV with tables.
- -N, --table-name NAME
- set NAME as a table name for future table-less file (-p)
- -p, --path-without-table FILE
- read CSV stream without table from FILE and use name set by -N as its name; ‘-’ means standard input
- -s, --show
- print output in table format
- -S, --show-full
- print output in table format with pager
- -P, --path-with-table FILE
- read CSV stream with table from FILE; ‘-’ means standard input
- --help
- display this help and exit
- --version
- output version information and exit
csv-ls -c size,name | csv-merge -N file -p -
- equivalent of “csv-ls -c size,name -T”
csv-users -T | csv-merge --path-with-table - -N file -p files.csv
- produces CSV stream with tables from 2 streams, one with a table (csv-users -T), and one without (files.csv)
csv-tables-tut(7), csv-sqlite(1), csv-show(1), csv-nix-tools(7)